The Healing Celebration Workshop

Time to celebrate yourself in letting go of hurt, pain, suffering, bitterness, fear, guilt, shame and whatever else is holding you back from creating and living the life you want.

Join me in this in depth life celebration workshop of healing, closure, forgiveness, love, acceptance and courage of who you are becoming!

You were created an accomplishment and greatness awaits you!! Are you ready to grab hold of your destiny, dreams and true self? Then get ready for an experience like no other as I assist you in practicing change, growth and pure realness within yourself!

Don’t be afraid to invest in YOU!! You are the most important investment and no longer just an option but PRIORITY!! We will dig deep within to find the root of what is holding you back!


If anyone is interested in promoting their business as well as adding products to The Healing Gift Bags for The Healing Project Workshop, please email me at for further information! will be more than happy to promote your business for the event as well as on my site.

Flower Infused Bath


Are you a struggling Artist who dreams of purchasing frequent spa treatments but realize that when spending approximately $150 per service, it breaks your pockets? Especially if you want to experience those services at least once a week or once a month, as oppose to being treated once a year? Well, here’s an idea!

We know how expensive investing into professional head shots, wardrobe, and websites can be, especially when most performance bookings are unpaid gigs that promise great exposure and serve as just another resume booster. But fear not; you can still afford the good life! Here’s how: Buy YOURSELF a bouquet of flowers for approximately $20 and just throw them into your own bath tub. (For extra pampering, spill some essential oil into the tub as well) It cuts cost dramatically, plus you don’t have to rush because there’s no appointment! You take the flower infused bath whenever you want to, for as long as you want to, in the comfort of your own home. Here’s how you’ll benefit:

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The Word H.E.A.L.I.N.G

H means Health – which is the source of how you are creating the life you are choosing to live

E means Energy – which is the source of what you are putting into the universe and the attitude you are displaying within yourself and towards others that can be positive or negative

A means Acceptance/Approval – which is the source of your thoughts, words and actions in how you are choosing to allow yourself, as well others make you feel about your life

L means Love – which is the source of your emotions whether you are choosing to be peaceful and happy with closure or miserable and broken, and not ready to heal

I means Intuition – which is the source for the decisions, avoidance, mistakes and regrets you will experience be it good or bad, but knowing that it is never too late for new beginnings

N means New – which is the source for starting over, beginnings, opportunities, potential, leaps of faith, capabilities and confidence within yourself

G means Gratitude – which is the source of why you wake up in the morning with purpose and ambition to want to achieve more tomorrow than you did today and doing your best to take yourself to the next level because you know life is too short and time is of the essence

Dhylles “The Coaching Cupid” Davis
Transformational Life Coach/Motivational Speaker/
Author of “Your Life Your Purpose No Explanations!”


“I coach individuals to independently practice healing, closure, forgiveness, self-love and acceptance in order to fall in love with their lives again.

Contact Dhylles for bookings, appearances, free consultation and subscription for daily affirmations!

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The Healing Journey

“I remember having a victim mentality where I felt like I did not deserve anything good in life due to all of the abuse I endured. I kept waiting for something bad to happen when something good took place and was always in disappointment mode when the bad overcame the good. I did not realize that I was putting all of this negative energy into the universe, and that it was my negative spirit that made those I cared for distance themselves from me because I was putting a damper on their day by the way I was living, thinking and speaking. I would sound like a broken record with repetitive crap coming out of my mouth because it was an addiction of being bitter and angry with the life I did not realize I was creating. It wasn’t until the love of my life explained to me in the most loving way of how negative I was becoming and how I was allowing life to pass me by with no sense of purpose, peace or happiness. Finally, I had decided that I had to make change happen within myself and that no one can do it for me. I chose to go through my process of healing, acceptance, self forgiveness for how I had affected others by my own hurt and pain, as well learning to embrace my faults, flaws and imperfections in order for the true Dhylles to come out and introduce herself to the world. It is amazing when one changes their frame of thinking how such a shift can take place within. But you have to be ready and willing with an open mind, heart and spirit. I was willing because I no longer wanted to live this way with such a pure numbness inside that it had prevented me from feeling love and compassion for myself. I love myself so much more than I ever did before, and I am still a work in process, but I can honestly say that I absolutely love my life and what I am creating for my future.”

“The Coaching Cupid”
Transformational Life Coach/Motivational Speaker/
Author of “Your Life Your Purpose No Explanations!”
Inspirational Writer for Inner Vibrations Magazine

New Year, New Religion? Which Path Should You Take?

 To Choose Or Not To Choose A New Religion In 2015


Most artists are open minded, a little rebellious, and sometimes even extreme. Atheists are not uncommon and neither is being agnostic such as John Lennon. And yet many of us today are becoming more awakened to our intuitive sides by  channeling our energies through some form of meditative practice that stems from various religious origins. And when we infuse several ancient traditions into one collective medium, we call it “New Age Philosophy”.

We’ve  watched Madonna go from burning crucifixes to converting into Judaism in Israel. We’ve heard testimonies from one of Hip Hop’s biggest mogul’s, Russel Simmons, talk about his dedication to Buddhism. We’ve seen pop stars cross over into the Christian Gospel genre such as Michelle Williams, (Destiny’s Child) and soar to higher heights. Thus, Artists aren’t rebelling against the church or mosques like they used to in order to freely express their creative voices. Instead, their willingly seeking out divine guidance through various sources to reconnect with a higher truth.

But what truth? Is there only one truth while all the others are false?


This is the age old question that has divided people for centuries, and yet in today’s advanced society, people have learned to judge less and listen more which is what gave birth to this ‘New Age’ era that we’re living in today, where more and more people are practicing Yoga, reading self-help books and learning about The Tao, and wearing costume jewelry with symbolic religious symbols including the crucifix, the lotus flower, or the yin & the yang.

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The Healing Journey by The Coaching Cupid

The Healing Journey


“I would put on my make up and do my hair while looking in the mirror and saw nothing and felt nothing. I would get dressed and hit the streets like it had my name written all over it. I was scared to be home alone with my thoughts, especially since I chose to inflict wounds of pain and suffering upon myself every time I stepped out and connected with someone who I knew was wrong for me. It was a drug I craved where getting that attention I could not give myself was concerned. It took me to hit rock bottom and feeling like I was drowning and going crazy with the thoughts of taking my own life. Every form of liquid around me was for the taking into my mind, body, and soul because my heart no longer wanted to feel pain and heartache. Fortunately for me, I knew how to use my voice and ask for the help I so desperately needed and the most high heard my cries. I realized I did value my life is some small way and I owed it to myself to improve the quality of which I was living, and had to stop being fearful in order to face myself. It was was a long aggravating process but I knew I could no longer give up on me because I was put here for a purpose that was deeper than my own understanding. I chose to slowly transform my thinking, actions and how I spoke to myself and about myself. I chose to speak life and live life in order for the universe to respond back to me in a powerful and encouraging way, and I am walking towards a brighter future with peace, happiness and freedom!

Dhylles “The Coaching Cupid” Davis
Transformational Life Coach/Motivational Speaker/
Author of “Your Life Your Purpose No Explanations!”
“I help transform individuals from being victims into becoming victors in order to fall in love with their lives again!”
Inspirational Writer for Inner Vibrations Magazine:
Contact Dhylles for bookings, free consultation and subscription for daily affirmations!

What’s Love Got To Do With It? Domestic Violence

Some people’s New Year resolutions are as simple as joining the gym, beginning yoga, quitting an addiction, switching careers, earning a College degree. (Okay, to be fair, some of those resolutions are hard to keep) But let’s be honest, one of the hardest resolutions to keep is leaving an abusive relationship, or deciding to overcome the battle scars from one. But with the new year ringing in, it may be time for a fresh start…

Whether you’re a professional Artist or not, almost everyone has experienced being in a toxic relationship. It happens to bankers, teachers, painters, real estate agents, singers – it can happen to any and everyone! Yet there’s a small difference between toxic and abusive relationships. Or is there?

When some people hear the word abuse, right away they think of physical violence. It’s seldom that people will consider emotional and verbal abuse just as seriously. Because physical violence can take away a human life or drastically change a person’s destiny by causing them to be paralyzed, the wounds that aren’t visible are hardest to prove, and yet, that’s how it all starts – with emotional and mental disrespect. Well, if you can avoid being killed or physically beaten, wouldn’t you like to stop it from the root? From the beginning?

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Dhylles “The Coaching Cupid” Davis

LifeCoach_DhyllesAs a young girl, Dhylles, was the go to person that people entrusted with their thoughts and inner secrets. Dhylles was told that her input and insight truly helped and has always been life changing. No matter what the situation, Dhylles, was always willing and able to assist anyone who needed a listening ear with a humble heart.

Dhylles realized six years ago once she found herself that she has always been a life coach but in order for her to have come to that realization, she had to do some real soul searching and self-discovery of her own. She had to take accountability and responsibility for the mistakes and regrets she created in her past. Dhylles decided to make positive changes and went through the process of self-love, acceptance, approval and most importantly self-forgiveness in order to obtain healing and closure.

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The Healing Affirmation

Affirmation of the Day: Are you living your full life’s potential today? Are you doing everything in your power to find peace and happiness or are you still running from yourself? Time is flying by so quickly that when you choose to make change happen it may be too late. Change is definitely scary but you will never know what it is like to be at peace and in full happiness if you don’t even try to take that leap of faith. Today is the right time to make change happen. Why wait for tomorrow or the next day to do and live your best? Every second in your life counts! Time is a very important investment to make within yourself more than materialistic things or in what others are doing. How are you investing your time?

Dhylles “The Coaching Cupid” Davis
Transformational Life Coach/Motivational Speaker/
Author of “Your Life Your Purpose No Explanations!”

“I help transform individuals from being victims into becoming victors in order to fall in love with their lives again!”

Contact Dhylles for bookings, free consultation and subscription for daily affirmations!

The Healing Journey

The Healing Journey

Self-Love“Bending over backwards and going above and beyond for others used to be a part of my DNA. I would drop everything I was doing for myself and neglected me to make sure others were taken care of first. I was such the people pleaser who never said no because I wanted everyone (to not only like me) but also love me. I did not care if I did without, in order for others to have. My boiling point came when I started realizing that the feeling and actions were not being reciprocated, and like no one was going the extra mile for me. I had no one else to blame but myself because I chose this, and was angry with myself for being so loving and caring. I realized I needed balance on being selfish and selfless without hurting myself in the process, and I no longer became a security blanket for others and no longer was concerned with who liked or loved me anymore, especially when I was no longer of use to them.”

Growth is still in process but I definitely know my worth and what to accept and allow and what not to tolerate. I am priority no matter what. The word “NO” is definitely part of my vocabulary!

Dhylles “The Coaching Cupid” Davis
Transformational Life Coach/Motivational Speaker/
Author of “Your Life Your Purpose No Explanations!”

“I help transform individuals from being victims into becoming victors in order to fall in love with their lives again!”

Contact Dhylles for bookings, free consultation and subscription for daily affirmations!

Are you ready to heal, forgive and get closure in order to love again?